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Ranking Plans, Rehearsal News and more...

Nationals preparation is in full swing at the club with “Gold” Nationals this coming Friday, followed up by Silver/Bronze the following weekend!  We have big contingents in both events and much of our squad curriculum for the next two weeks is based around making sure we have the kids ready to succeed.  Rest assured we haven’t forgotten those not contesting Nationals, as training always runs as scheduled at the club!  

Weekly points

  • Spring provides a huge opportunity to improve players rankings - a dozen golds across the country and a similar number of Silver and Bronze events within driving distance of the club all mean a chance to boost that National ranking!  Plan it with us - details HERE!

  • Our Rehearsal Tournament was as cool as the other side of the pillow, with the big dogs preparing for Nationals and our novice crew doing us proud, check out the report.

  • A reminder to confirm coaching requests for Nationals, we will have a full team of coaches in Philly for both the Gold and Silver/Bronze Nationals and details are unchanged.

  • Please be aware that Coaches are available for additional lessons for the next two weeks around that Nationals - please contact coaches directly with requests


  • If you haven’t seen it already, we have revamped our website and you can check it out HERE.  Many thanks to our web developers who have done a great job to assist us in compiling all our information in a cutting edge and attractive format.

  • Summer Camp Information is now available!  Our normal schedule runs until June 1, followed by two weeks of our “Pre-Summer” training and our renowned Summer Camps kicking off subsequently - and finally, 

  • For those kids who already play squash, but haven’t tried out our Squash Tiger Squads we offer a FREE TRIAL - feel free to pass this onto anyone who is Tiger curious!

See you all at training!

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