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Nationals 2025 - Tiger Report!

Setting the scene

US Squash conducted the 2025 National Junior Championships at the Arlen Specter Center this past weekend.  14 Squash Tigers qualified to contest the 10 divisions over three days.  It is the most competitive time ever for junior squash and simply qualifying for the elite draws was an achievement in itself.  Everyone involved should be proud of their seasons, players, parents and coaches.

What did it look like?

If you haven't caught up with the Squash Tigers Insta, you can see the story here or check out our Championship sized photo dump on our Facebook page!

The interesting percentage is 50%

When all is said and done, it's an unusual year for the program, with 50% of our qualifiers in their down year... Not only did we get some big wins this year, but it's already exciting for those players and next year's draws!

Some more numbers

  • 1 semi finalist

  • 3 quarter finalists

  • 10 inside the top 16

A spectacular achievement from everyone.  Congratulations to all the players and their families... just wow!

The stand outs

Congratulations to our three quarter finalists, Reghan, Eric and Yidrew.  Eric and Yidrew were remarkable in their first ever Nationals quarters, Yidrew defending his seeding and Eric slightly improving on his initial expectations - well done both. As she often is, Reghan was our Squash Tigers standout, making the semi final of the GU17 in her down year.  In a season where she won her way through to a top 10 finish in January's British Junior Open, it was a solid performance.  We all know Miss would have liked one more accolade, but the whole Tigers community is very proud of our #1 and know that many titles await her in the future.

The boys

The boys are now becoming young men and Colten, Parth and Alex came into the event ranked 11, 16 and 25 respectively in the BU19.  When the dust settled we had Parth 10th, Colten top 16 and Alex a little unlucky with a small injury problem unable to complete the event.  All three played some outstanding squash and enjoyed at least one signature win and will be looking to get to the top of the bracket next year.  Special shout out to Parth who played superbly well after a January marred by injury, nearly pulling the upset of the tournament in the second round, being two love up on the two seed but unable to close it out… we look forward to next time!  

As we have already mentioned in the BU17, Eric made a great quarter but additionally we had Shrikar who lost in a narrow five games to the lefty in the first round and went on to a top 16 finish.  We have to accept the draws as they come out, but we would have all preferred not to have two teammates playing against each other in the first round!

The little(er) ones

Well done to our two BU13 representatives, Yiden and Evan.  Yiden has had a splendid season, aging up from his BU11 ranking of 4 and now touching top 16 in the BU13, he finished in a solid 11/12 place.  Evan also deserves his flowers, also only 11 and having competed hard in the final two JCT’s of the season in addition to the Nationals.  Easy to forget that only a small group of players are able to play at that level in their down years - next year beckons and being the big dogs rather than the youngsters of the division will be much more satisfying!

The young ladies

Congratulations to Madeleine on her top 16 finish after a splendid 3/0 first round win.  Similarly congratulations to the Purtuc girls, with Lily 11/12 and Mimi recovering well from her second round upset to finish in 9th position.  Well done to Alison on qualifying for Nationals in the GU13, a significant triumph just to be there and an excellent experience to take forward with her into the off season.

Our “extended Tiger family”

Shout outs to Coach Laurent from our soon to open Philadelphia club.  Coach masterfully worked with BU15 winner Jude who defeated the reigning British Junior Open winner in a wild final which had remarkable swings of fortune.  Also Coach brought his son Jack, currently ranked top 4 in the BU19 despite still being eligible for the BU17,  through to a quarter final.  Unfortunately in a season marred by injury Jack had to withdraw, but will be a force to be reckoned with going forwards.  On that note a shoutout to Laurent’s other Nationals star, with David M. making a top 16 in his down year in the BU17 - bigger things ahead!   

Bifurcation, so to speak... 

Now that the Nationals have concluded, the program slightly bifurcates, with the two tracks being somewhat self evident.  Our top 32 players are in what we call a transition phase, a little rest then the start of Spring, which is the season for technical development and physical improvement with a build up to the June “Super JCT”.  Our Silver and Bronze National players are preparing for the culmination of their own seasons this weekend in Philadelphia where, with the help of our coaches, they will be looking to go out on a high.

The way forward

Good luck to the Silver/Bronze Nationals crew, it is a very auspicious tournament in its own right and a fantastic culmination to the season for them.  For the others, feel free to take a little rest, and then it’s planning time.  The truth is always that Nationals are won in March, but much of a player's success is determined in the training blocks between April and September.  All have the will to win, but not all have the will to prepare… so never tell me I didn’t give you a friendly coach warning!  :)  

See you all at the club!

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